Cabinet Kuntz & Associés - Avocats conseil et contentieux
  • Cabinet Kuntz & Associés

Blending expertise in corporate restructuration with a wealth of experience in litigation

K&A a highly specialized niche firm

Kuntz & Associés is a law firm specialising in corporate restructuring. What sets it apart from its competitors is its dual expertise in corporate recovery techniques and mergers and acquisitions.

This dual competency is enhanced by expertise in litigation, industrial relations and employment law. Kuntz & Associés has developed four clearlydefined core practice areas:

Kuntz & Associés has developed itself as a boutique firm specialising in its core areas of expertise. This strong focus allows it to handle particularly complex work which requires knowledge and experience of numerous fields of law. For each case, a specific team is assembled bringing together complementary skills and guaranteeing a high level of professionalism, efficient case management and a proactive and pragmatic approach.

All of our lawyers contribute to publications in the field of restructuring and keep a constant watch on the latest legal developments. Indeed, our work itself often generates new jurisprudence (case law).